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Why Do I Need Health Insurance?

Before we dive into the importance of health insurance, let’s first talk about what health insurance is. Health insurance—also known as a health plan—is an agreement you make with an insurance company. This insurance company agrees to pay for some or all of your medical expenses in exchange for a monthly payment.

Why is this so important? Well, you never know when you or your family may need a doctor! Health insurance helps cover medical costs—you can think of the monthly payment as the cost for this future service.

What Is Covered by Health Insurance?

If you have health insurance in Washington State, many services are available to you by law. These services include:

  • Doctor visits
  • Visits to the emergency room
  • Care before and after your baby is born
  • Mental health and substance use treatment
  • Prescription drugs
  • Services and devices to treat injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions
  • Lab tests
  • Management of a chronic disease
  • Pediatric care

Most health plans also include preventative care, such as shots and screenings, at no cost. With health insurance, you’re guaranteed screenings and counseling services for:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes (type 2)
  • Drug and tobacco use
  • Cholesterol
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Diet
  • STD and HIV
  • Behavioral and developmental assessments
  • Iron and fluoride supplements
  • Vaccines
  • Vision

Being able to see a doctor or go to the hospital is very important to keep you and your family healthy. While there might be upfront costs, having a health plan helps you to avoid expensive payments for every visit.


Click here to learn how to sign up for health insurance with a local navigator.

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